
Concept Explanation


Inscriptions: Inscriptions are writing engraved on hard surfaces like metal, rock and stone. The study of inscriptions is called epigraphy. The long poems in praise of kings are called prashasti. Since prashasti were normally written by court poets appointed by the kings they may not always be factually accurate. Copper plates inscriptions often record land grants by the rich to temples. They also record the achievement of the kings.


  • The inscriptions are the most important and reliable sources of Indian history.

  • Inscriptions are the contemporary documents those are free from later interpolations as it is impossible to add something to it at a later period. Therefore, it comes in the original form as it was composed in and engraved.

  • The manuscripts were written on soft materials like birch bark, palm leaf, paper etc. They became fragile in a course of time and were frequently required to be copied and at the time of copying, some irrelevant additions were made and some errors tend to creep in. Therefore, they are not considered as a reliable source of information about history.

  • The script of the inscriptions also helps the historian in many ways.

  • The Harappan seals depict the earliest system of writings, however, they could not be decoded yet.

  • The Ashokan inscriptions are claimed to be the earliest one of the systems of writing. Ashoka’s inscriptions are found written in four scripts.

  • Kharoshthi script was used in Pakistan region, which is written from right to left and is evolved on the Varnamala (alphabet) system of the Indian languages.

  • Inscription of the Indo - Greek,'Saka-Kshatrapas' and 'Kushanas' adopt Indian names after two or three genrations. These inscription illustrate that they were also engaged in social and religious welfare activities like any other Indians Kings.

  • The Aihole inscription of the Chalukya King Pulkeshin -II describes as dynastic genealogy and achievements.

  • The Gwalior inscription of Bhoja also gives a full account of his predecessors and their achievements.


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